PAPATYA KINDERGARTEN ERASMUS PLUS K229 PROJECT TURKEY-ROMANIA APRIL MEETING REPORT Date: Wednesday, April 28, 2021 Responsible: Project coordinator and duty teachers Purpose: Evaluation of April activity-project implementations, school visit of our Erasmus + project partners and process evaluation Tools: In-class and school-wide practice materials and visuals Target Audience: Papatya Kindergarten project responsible teachers, preschool students and school administrators Meeting items: 1. With the studies conducted in April, monthly gains of the classes and the interactions between two cultures were evaluated. Teachers shared their classroom-based experiences. The student skills observed during the implementation of the month's activity plans were discussed. The activity application photos and videos were shared by the project coordinator in the Facebook group. 2. This month, our Erasmus project partners Gulliver Kindergarten teachers and administrators visited Papatya Kinderg...
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